Dr. Sallie Greenberg


Dr. Greenberg has been at the center of the carbon management and energy transition spaces for over 30 years.

Interested in seeing some of her past projects and research? Explore her various media appearances, news features, press releases, and more.

Reports & past projects

Houston Energy Transition Initiative (HETI), Climate Equity Framework and Toolkit for an Equitable Energy Transition in Greater Houston (2024)

Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage in Illinois (2022)

Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Data from landmark Illinois Basin carbon storage project are now available (2022)

Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Observations on Class VI Permitting: Lessons Learned and Guidance Available (2021)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (PhD Dissertation), Impact of social media as an instructional component on content knowledge, attitudes, and public engagement related to global climate change (2013)

Educational articles, videos, & webinars

Houston CCS Alliance, What is carbon capture & storage? (2023)

Houston CCS Alliance, Is CCS safe? (2023)

Houston CCS Alliance, Why is implementing CCS important? (2023)

Houston CCS Alliance, Why is Houston a great place to advance large-scale carbon capture & storage? (2023)

Critical Point Gazette No. 3 (August – September), Mexican CO2 Capture and Storage Program, MeCCS (2022)

Media appearances & news features

Keynote speaking & webinars

EVOSO Live, Sallie Greenberg (2022)

Ipieca, CCUS learnings from the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative (2022)

Future of Global Energy Conference (2022)

  • Sallie Greenberg Consulting

  • Strategic advising, thought leadership, and evaluation & research services with a human element for energy transition.

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    with Dr. Sallie Greenberg